Roger A. Downey | Stabat Pater: God the Father And His Son’s Suffering |
James P. Mackey | Science and Faith, Creation and Freedom |
Mori Kazuhiro | Problem Areas in Japanese Society: A Challenge for the Church |
John Yamamoto-Wilson | Searching for Freedom in Japan |
Silvia Scatena | How Vatican II Debated Religious Freedom |
Joseph S. O'Leary | Governance and Freedom in Church and State |
Massimo Faggioli | The New Catholic Movements, Vatican II and Freedom in the Catholic Church |
A.Cameron-Mowat | Liturgy: The Way Forward |
Joseph S. O'Leary | The Eucharist: A Work of Art |
Charles De Wolf | Remnants of Classical Japanese in the Roman Catholic Mass |
Sekine Fusao | Toward an Evangelizing Liturgy |
Olmes Milani | Brazilians and the Liturgy in Japan |
Cao Hua | How Vietnamese Communities Pray |
Paul A. Koroluk | The Eternal Liturgy in a Changing World: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Japan |
Pat O'Leary | Light and Darkness: Revealing the Mystery |
Paul Surlis | New Proposals on Priestly Ministry |
Francis Britto | The God of Pi |
Suzuki Norihisa | The Prospects of Religious Education in Japan Today |
Nicholas Lash | The Struggle for the Council: Ⅰ.What Happened at Vatican II? |
Michael Desprez | The Edict of Nantes and its Revocation: A Chapter in the History of Religious Freedom |
Paul Surlis | A Social Creed for the 21st Century |
John T.Brinkman | A Reflection on Mission and Ecology |
Yasuoka Takaaki Pio | The Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development |
Sekine Fusao | Creating Space for Interior Worship |
William Johnston | Meditation in China |
Documents | A Proposal from People of Religion |
Indigenous Peoples Summit in Ainu Mosir 2008 |
Steven Morgan | Words That Sing |
Roger Munsi Vanzila | Kakure Kirishitan in the new Urbanized Context of Kurosaki |
Nicholas Lash | The Struggle for the Council: II . In the Spirit of Vatican II? |
Antoinette Gutzler | Entering the Silence: A Christmas Meditation |
Miyake Yoshinobu | Freedom of Religion in Shinto |
Trends&Events | Statistics of the Church in Japan 2007 |