2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
back number 2009 Spring Summer Autumn Winter
John Raymaker |
A Spiritual Basis for Bridging Cultural and Religious Divides |
John J. Keane |
On the Salvific Status of Other Religious Traditions |
Marcel Kauss |
A Pastoral Mission in Fukuoka |
Michael Desprez |
The Chinese Rites Controversy and its Repercussions |
Peter C. Phan |
Cultures, Religions, and Mission in Asian Catholic Theologies |
Joseph S. O'Leary |
Paul's Missionary Motivation |
Jan Swyngedouw |
Remembering |
Book Reviews
Joseph S. O'Leary |
John P. Keenan, Grounding Our Faith in a Pluralist World - with a little
help from Nãgãrjuna |
André Broekaert |
Michael Amaladoss, The Asian Jesus |
James H. Kroeger |
Ten Pauline Principles |
Takahashi Masaya |
Encountering Christ in the Poor |
Dorothea M. Filus |
lnterreligious Dialogue in Japan |
John Breen |
'The danger is ever present': Catholic critiques of the Yasukuni shrine
in postwar Japan |
Ludo Goossens |
Proposals for Renewal |
Joseph S. O'Leary |
Dostoevsky's Quest for Resurrection |
Interview |
The Landscape of Salvation
An interview with Abe Keita, Fukushima Kazumoto and Hamasaki Masumi |
Carol Sack |
Music and Prayer for the Dying: A Ministry of Healing |
Wieslaw M. Macek |
The God of Scientists |
Masuda Masashi |
Reforming our Institute for Theological Education |
Michael Desprez |
Universalism and the 'Regeneration' of Minorities: Abbé Grégoire (1750-1831). |
Joseph S. O'Leary |
Skillful Means and Conventional Truth in lnterreligious Theology
Joseph S. O'Leary |
Statement of the National Seminar on "Christian Faith in a World of
Science:Challenges and Opportunities" |
Review Article Helene O'Sullivan |
John F. Haught, Christianity and Science: Towards a Theology of Nature |
J.P. Mukengeshayi Matata |
From Encounter to Dialogue: A report on Shrine Shinto Priests' Gathering
at Oriens |
Kudo Hiromi Josepha |
Reflections on the Dark Night of Blessed Mother Teresa |
Rafael Shoji |
Japanese Catholicism Abroad: The Mission to the Nikkei in Brazil |
Barbara Rosasco |
Help the Cambodian Children |
John Breen |
'Shinto is the Great Way of the Universe': Historical Notes on Shinto-Christian
Negotiations |
Fritz Frei |
The Manchurian Diary of Andreas Huser, SMB |
Nakano Hajime |
AIDS Education in London and Tokyo |
Paul Surlis |
Instability, Structural Violence and Vulnerability: How They Interrelate
and lnfluence the HIV Pandemic. |
Jan Swyngedouw |
Oriens Commemoration Symposium |
Trends & Events |
Statistics of the Church in Japan 2008 |
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