2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
back number 2016 Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Will Denayer |
Migration, Climate Change, and Human Rights |
Stefano Zamagni |
For an Integral Ecology |
Richard Kearney |
Wounded Healers |
Philippe Kong |
Adolescence: The Passage from Truth to Knowing |
Miklos Veto |
The Contemplative Witness of Simone Weil |
Murayama Yumi |
The Samurai Christians: Uchimura and Ebina,
and their Bible |
Stig Lindberg |
Kagawa Toyohiko and Salvation |
Joseph S. O’Leary |
Book Review: Jesuits Engage with Buddhism |
Massimo Faggioli |
The Parallel Lives of Two Surprising Popes:
John XXIII and Francis |
Morisato Takeshi |
The Exile of Beautiful Minds: Higher
Education in Japan |
Rowan Williams |
Ecology and Economy |
Stefano Zamagni |
Ecology, Economics, and Ethics
Geoffrey C. Bowker |
Timing Biodiversity |
John T. Brinkman |
Religious Input at the Paris Climate Conference |
Peter Milward |
The Quality of Mercy in Shakespeare |
James H. Kroeger |
Pope Francis on Priesthood and Mission |
Thomas O’Loughlin |
The Uses of Scripture |
Perry Schmidt-Leukel |
Nirvāṇa as ‘Unconditioned’ (asaṃskṛta) and ‘Transcendent’ (lokottara) Reality |
James L. Fredericks |
Henri de Lubac’s Encounter with Buddhism |
Daniel Rumel |
Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Attitude to Buddhist
Thought |
Dominick Scarangello |
Buddhist and Marxist Critiques of Globalized
Capitalism |
Peter C. Phan |
The Catholic Church in Asia and Ecological Theology |
Oddbjorn Orbech Jensen |
Dialogical Dialogue as a Way Out of Immanentism |
James H. Kroeger |
Popular Piety: Some Missiological Insights |
Peter Milward |
Why Have the Japanese Been Slow to Embrace Christianity? |
Tiburtius Heli |
St John of the Cross and the Laity |
Luke S. Ogasawara |
A Pastoral Outreach to People of Sexual Minorities in Japan |
Joseph S. O’Leary |
Conventional Truth as a Platform for Buddhist-Christian Understanding |
Robert Chiesa |
Looking Back on the Jubilee of Mercy |
Trends & Events |
Statistics of the Church in Japan 2015 |
Index of Authors and Articles 2016 |
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