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最新号 spring 2025

The JAPAN MISSION JOURNAL (JMJ) is a long-standing Catholic publication in English dealing predominantly with all facets of evangelization and inculturation of Christianity in Japan. It approaches Christian mission from an Asian perspective. JMJ boasts a history of over 70 years.

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Contact : & For article contribution and further information.

JMJ is a Quarterly, 72 pages per issue.
1部定価:1,100円(税込) 送料別



   ¥6,000 or US$51.00 per year
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   ¥7,300 or US$56.00 per year

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英文/季刊(年4回発行)72ページ、年間定期購読 4,900円(税・送料込) ISSN1344-7297




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spring 2025  VOL. 79,  No.1

J. P. Williams Lost in Wonder: Master Hongzhi on Returning to the source
Christian Belin Opening a Tomb, Opening the Heart: Bossuet’s Contemplation of Death
Roger Vanzila Munsi Nakae no shima’s Holy Water in Kakure Kirishitan Religious Culture
Paul Hedges Pope Francis in Singapore and Vatican II’s Call for Interreligious Dialogue
Honoré Kabundi Mukengeshayi Women’s Participation in the Leadership and the Mission of the Church
Nishimura Momoko A Synodal Church to Preach the Gospel
 Book review Yaron Z. Eliav, A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse
 (Thomas O’Loughlin)

We present you the Spring 2025 issue of the Japan Mission Journal. In it you will find articles of scholars working in Japan and or having a link with Japan and Asia. In her essay, which is extracted from her contribution to the First Symposium on Buddhism and Neoplatonism, J.P. Williams introduces the readers to the teachings of Master Hongzhi Zhengjue on returning to the source.  For the French literature lovers, Christian Belin brings in Bossuet’s contemplation of death. His text brings the readers to a new approach of the reality of death. Roger V. Munsi makes us discover the deep meaning of the practices in the Kakure (hidden) Kirishitan (Christians) religious culture in Japan. In his article, Paul Hedges analyses Pope Francis’s visit in Singapore in the context of Interreligious Dialogue promoted by Vatican II. Honoré Kabundi’s article will bring in a new approach to the discussion about women’s participation in the leadership and the mission of the Church. Nishimura Momoko, a Japanese Nun also relates her experience as a delegate at the Synod on Synodality in Rome. We recommend these articles to you.
                                                                                                                    Editor (Honoré Kabundi)

Back Number

2025  2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006

Published four times a year, JMJ features:

● In-depth analysis of Japan's socio-cultural and religious situation from a Christian perspective.
● Articles by Japanese and non-Japanese Church workers and scholars.
● Book reviews of Japanese and world-wide publications relevant to the apostolate.

JMJ presents easy-to-read, down-to-earth reports on Christian education, liturgy, ecumenism, catechetics, important Church documents, and literary and interreligious topics.

In the past, JMJ has helped pioneer cross-cultural discussion on crucial topics, such as ancestor veneration, Zen meditation, the meaning and role of Shinto customs, the writings of Endo Shusaku and other Christian authors, and the like.
Having entered the third millennium, JMJ focuses on the specific problems the Church is facing today, particularly in the Asian context of the triple dialogue with cultures, with other religious traditions, and with the immense multitude of the poor.

JMJ is a useful tool for both libraries and personal reference.

It may be ordered from
Oriens Institute for Religious Research
2-28-5 Matsubara, Setagaya-ku 156-0043, Tokyo, Japan
Tel.81-3-3322-7601 FAX. 81-3-3325-5322
Please make your check to Oriens in U.S. dollars to avoid prohibitive conversion rates.

Gide to 2025


English Line up


●English Books

(w/o tax)

Christianity Encounters Japan

J. J. Spae

Shinto Man 

J. J. Spae

Buddhist-Christian Empathy

J. J. Spae

The Catechetical Problem in Japan, 1549-1965

G. A. Mueller

A Commentary to the New Japanese Catechism.

P. Nemeshegyi

Contact: (Order for Book)




Tel 03-3322-7601
Fax 03-3325-5322